Stadt Wasserburg am Inn


Welcome to
Wasserburg am Inn !



In Wasserburg something or other is always happening. Hardly a weekend passes by, especially in summer, without some major event. Here are some of the events in the usual calendar year which often attract and delight visitors from all over the world.

Annual and weekly markets

The official rules for holding the annual town markets were laid down in 1803 and, since then have been strictly observed for the five traditional markets; Mittfasten (Lent), Georgi, Benno, Michaeli and Kathrein. In July and September a ceramics and a fruit market are held additionally. In the Hofstatt, a market for farm produce is held every Thursday and every Saturday a vegetable market is held.

  • Mittfastenmarkt: Sunday, 2024-03-10
  • Georgimarkt: Sunday, 2024-04-28
  • Bennomarkt: Sunday, 2024-06-16 (shops are not open for trading this Sunday)
  • Michaelimarkt: Sunday, 2024-09-29
  • Kathreinmarkt: Sunday, 2024-11-24

Spring festival

This week long grand public festival (Wasserburger Volksfest) with its large beer tent and amusement park, takes place traditionally at Witsuntide at the Volksfestplatz (festival ground) at the sport complex, Badria.

2024-05-08 until 2024-05-20

Festival of Nations

This somewhat exotic festival, held on a Saturday in mid June brings a multicultural flair. A must for fans of culture and travel, for lovers of international music, for gourmets of exotic foods, for those interested in aid for developing countries, and, last but not least, for our citizens and guests from all over the world.

Saturday, 2024-06-22

Wine festival

In the year 1464, 43 establishments serving wine are recorded. Out of such a tradition, the wine festival has also emerged as the festival of landlords. Romantics are not the only ones enjoying their wine on the last Saturday in July, in the streets, squares and under the old town arcades, everywhere decorated with coloured lighting for a special ambiente.

Saturday, 2024-07-27

Night Flea Market

Haggling and bargaining by candlelight and moonshine. There are many flea markets but only one Wasserburger Nachtflohmarkt. Over 10,000 visitors equipped with torches, go looking for rarities and bargains – antique or otherwise. For many people buying or selling is not really important. They are just there to experience this unique atmosphere. The flea market takes place from the first Friday night in August until the following Saturday.


Friday, 2024-08-02

Inn Dam Festival

The gourmet can wander around the loop of the Inn from the high water dam and sample all kinds of culinary delights which are on offer from the various societies and clubs at numerous refreshment areas on the third Saturday in August. This festival originally celebrated the freeing of the town from constant high water.

Saturday, 2024-08-17

Christmas in Wasserburg

The traditional Advent in Wasserburg still offers something different. The tastefully decorated alleyways and numerous individual shops set the mood for a Christmas shopping spree. Everything in the Chrismas spirit is reflected in the small booths of the Christkindlmarkt (Christmas market) in the style of the old town houses. The Christmas Bazaar in the Hofstatt has been a further addition in recent years. The citizens of Wasserburg however, still come up with something new each year, such as the old town Christmas Crib Trail, the Angel´s pathway or Advents Exhibitions in the Museum. A visit to Wasserburg during Advent lights up not only the children´s eyes.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday for four weekends before Christmas Eve

Weitere Informationen

Tourist Information

Marienplatz 2 (Town hall)
83512 Wasserburg

Fon: +49 8071 105-22